Page 19 - Catalogue 2019
P. 19

DOUBLE FLANGED BUTTERFLY VALVE F012-A                                                                          DOUBLE FLANGED BUTTERFLY VALVE F012-A

                                                                                                                             MATERIAL SPECIFICATION AND PARTS LIST
                               Version with      F         Version with                    Version with fitting key
                               square        □V            double flat                     (on request)                                                                                    Type of bearings:   Type of bearings:
                                                               ZF                                                                                                                          Fixed           Adjustable
                        H1                                 H1                                                                                                                                      3
                                                                                                                                                                                        5                            20
                                                                                                                                           splitted shaft                             1               18
                                                                                                                                        5                                            2
                           A                                                                                                            6                      6            6
                                                                                                                                                               5            5
                                                   ØDi                                                                                                      8
                        C     P                                      D                                                                 8                  10
                                                                                                 Z                                                                       8
                           B                                                                                                                                                                                         20
                                                                                                                                                               5             5
                                                                                                                                        7                                                5         3        4
                                                                                                                                        5                                                         13       16
                                                N                                  E                                                   14                                    5          15        14       17
              F 012-A with bare shaft end                                                                                              15                     TS-Version    TS-Version                PS max 19 bar up to DN 350
                                                                                                                                                              with pinned shaft  with splitted shaft  PS max >19 bar up to DN 250
                                                                                                                             Double flanged butterfly valve F012-A          PS max 19 bar
                                                        Dimensions [mm]
              DN    Size                                                                      Bearings  Weight [kg]
              [mm]  [inch]  A  B   C   Ø Di  Ø D  E1  E   Ø F   Flange  ZF/V  H1  N  P   Z  fixed  adjustable (EN-JS1030)    Pos. Description     Material            Material-No.  Pos. Description  Material      Material-No.
              50     2   126  84  210  48   165  18  108  54     F04    11   12  -   -   -   x     -       6                  1  Body                                            10  Taper pin
              65   2 1/2  134,5  93,5  228  63  185  18  112  54  F04   11   12  -   -   -   x     -       10                    Nodular Cast Iron  EN-GJS-400-15     EN-JS1030     Stainless Steel  X5CrNi18-10    1.4301
              80     3   157  104  261  78  200  20  114  65     F05    14   16  -   -   -   x     -       12                    Carbon Steel     GP240GH             1.0619                         G-X5CrNiMo19-11-2*  1.4408*
              100*   4   168  127  295  98  254  22  127  65     F05    14   16  -   -   -   x     -       18                 2  Seat/vulcanization                              11  Washer
              100    4   168  114  282  98  228  20  127  65     F05    14   16  -   -   -   x     -       18                    NBR              Nitrile butadiene rubber          Stainless Steel  A4
              125*   5   180  140  320  123  280  26  140  90    F07    14   16  -   -   -   x     -       24                    EPDM             Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber  12  Hex nut
              150*   6   203  150  353  148  285  22  140  90    F07    17   19  -   -   56  x     -       26                3/4  Bearing bush                                      Stainless Steel  A4
              150    6   203  153  356  148  305  29  140  90    F07    17   19  -   -   56  x     -       30                    Brass            CuZn39Pb3           CW614N     13  Shaft retention
              200    8   229  177  406  198  345  24  152  90    F07    17   19  -   -   131  x    -       30                 5  O-Ring                                             Brass            CuZN39Pb3      CW614N
              200*   8   260  215  475  198  381  30  152  125   F10    17   20  -   -   131  x    -       56                    NBR              Nitrile butadiene rubber          Stainless Steel  16MnCr5*       1.7131*
              250   10   266  213  479  248  406  26  165  125   F10    22   24  -   -   189  x    -       40                    EPDM             Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber  14  Cover plate
              250*  10   305  250  555  248  445  28  165  150   F12    22   24  -   -   189  x    -       79                6/7  Shaft                                             Sectional steel  S235JR
              250*  10   266  215  481  248  430  27  165  125   F10    22   24  -   -   189  x    -       57                                     X14CrMoS17          1.4104        Nodular Cast Iron  EN-GJS-400-15  EN-JS1030
              250*  10   305  250  555  248  430  21  165  150   F12    22   24  -   -   189  x    -       75                                     X2CrNiMo17-12-2     1.4122     15  Screw
              300   12   291  237  528  296  483  28  178  125   F10    22   24  -   -   240  x    -       73
              300*  12   350  285  635  296  521  33  178  150   F12    22   24  -   -   240  x    -      110                                     X5/(X2)CrNiMo17-12-2  1.4401/1.4404  Steel         45 H galvanized
              300*  12   335  285  620  296  515  36  178  150   F12    22   24  520  150  240  x  -      108                                     G-X5CrNiMo19-11-2   1.4408        Stainless Steel  A4-70
              350   14   332  278  610  337  533  33  190  150   F12     **  **  540  300  282  x  -      103                                     G-X2CrNiMoN26-7-4   1.4462     16  Seal DIN 915
              350*  14   390  322  712  338  584  32  190  175   F14    27   29  590  300  282  x  -      150                                     CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C      1.4469        Cooper           Cu
              400   16   363  322  685  390  597  32  216  175  F12/F14  **  **  610  310  328  x  -      150                                     X5CrNiCuNb 16-4*    1.4452*    17  Plug screw DIN 908
              400   16   363  322  685  390  580  32  216  150   F12     **  **  -   -   328  x    -      140                 8  Disc                                               Machining steel  11SMnPb30      1.0718 nickel-plated
              400*  16   435  360  795  390  660  42  216  210   F16    27   29  665  200  328  x  -      215                    Nodular Cast Iron  EN-GJS-400-15     EN-JS1030     Stainless Steel  G-X5CrNiMo19-11-2  1.4408
              400*  16   430  360  790  390  648  37  216  175   F14    27   29  -   -   328  x    -      210                    Stainless Steel  G-X5CrNiMo19-11-2   1.4408     18  Threaded pin DIN 915
              450*  18   397  368  765  426  640  33  222  175   F14    36   38  680  310  367  x  -      179                                     G-X2CrNiMoN26-7-4*  1.4469*       Steel            45 H galvanized
              450*  18   465  385  850  426  711  37  222  210   F16    36   38  720  300  367  x  -      250                    Aluminium Bronze  CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C     CC333G        Stainless Steel  X5CrNiMo17-12-2  1.4401
              500   20   437  404  841  489  715  38  229  210  F14/F16  **  **  740  350  436  x  -      204                    Coating          Halar, Rilsan, Nonstick        19  Clamping ring
              500*  20   500  415  915  489  775  44  229  300   F25     **  **  790  370  436  x  -      310                    Surface quality  electropolished, mirror finished  Sectional steel  S235JR
              600   24   498  469  967  581  840  42  267  300  F16/F25  **  **  870  420  521  -  x      330                 9  Sleeve                                          20  Cylinder screw
              600   24   498  469  967  581  790  45  267  300  F14/F16/F25  **  **  -  -  521  x  -      467                    Stainless Steel  X5CrNi18-10         1.4301        Stainless Steel  A4
              600*  24   580  500  1080  581  914  44  267  300  F25     **  **  930  440  521  -  x      457                                                                                             Subject to change without notice
              700   28   581  526  1107  674  935  46  292  350  F25/F30  **  **  940  510  612  -  x     480               *Materials for valves ≥19 bar
              700*  28   635  560  1195  674  995  50  292  350  F30     **  **  1010 350  612  -  x      600
              800   32   630  591  1221  781  1060  52  318  350  F25/F30  **  **  1080 450  717  -  x    598
              800   32   660  590  1250  781  1060  50  318  350  F25/F30  **  **  1070 600  717  -  x    666
              800*  32   660  595  1255  781  1085  55  318  415  F35    **  **  1100 450  717  -  x      760
              900*  36   800  685  1485  881  1185  61  330  415  F30/F35  **  **  1210 600  821  -  x    941
              900   36   800  685  1485  881  1185  52  330  350  F25/F30  **  **  1190 620  821  x  -    932
              900   36   696  645  1341  881  1122  52  330  300  F25    **  **  -   -   821  x    -      650
             1000*  40   771  680  1451  980  1290  51  410  475  F30/F35/F40  **  **  1300 680  895  -  x  1100
              1000  40   771  675  1446  980  1255  56  410  415  F25/F30/F35  **  **  1270 680  895  -  x  1092
              1000  40   850  725  1575  980  1275  59  410  475  F35/F40  **  **  1310 600  895  x  -    1245
             1000*  40   850  725  1575  980  1275  62  410  475  F35/F40  **  **  1310 600  895  -  x    1239
             1000*  40   850  725  1575  980  1360  67  410  475  F35/F40  **  **  1370 600  895  -  x    1426
              1200  48   935  810  1745  1176  1511  54  470  475  F35/F40  **  **  1520 800 1083  -  x   1722
             1200*  48   1004  862  1866  1176  1575  63  470  560  F40/F48  **  **  1590 800 1085  -  x  1785
              1200  48   905  810  1715  1176  1455  60  470  350  F25/F30  **  **  1475 600 1083  x  -   1440
             1400*  56   1120  958  2078  1372  1795  86  530  560  F48  **  **  1830 800 1271  -  x      3060
             *Operating pressure ≥19 bar     **In accordance to the actuator                Subject to change without notice
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